
Corum 082.960.20/V700 AN12 Men's watch some you win

Its funny.. I bought this watch, and then sold it on Timezone to a well known TZer, who resold it at a large profit for himself I believe, since everyone has consequently been selling it around 50% more than I sold it to him for! But anyway, Corum 082.960.20/V700 AN12 Men's watch some you win, dimsum, you lose is what I say to that.Now, I only sold it a few months ago in June, and it has gone to three different owners since that. Its a neat watch with a mechanical Alarm movement by A. Schild.

This will confuse many of youit confuses mebut the Great Divide Race, GDR, starts at high noon today. The GDR is the border-to-border Continental Divide mtb race (gdr). I wont go into the domestic dispute, but think John and Paul and there Corum 753.691.20/F371-A Men's watch was the Beatles, a beautiful thing. Then there was Yoko and then Wings, a different thing, with John doing side projects, Yoko going single speed, you get the picture. Tour Divide is Wings. It will be interesting to see who lines up at the border station in Roosville in a couple hours.

Meanwhile, Tour Divide leader Matthew Lee is already in Wyoming as the chase group guns for Idaho through heavy mud. The mud has shut down Joe Meiser, 2009 Trans-Iowa winner and an early favorite, and hes cooling his heels in Corum 196-151-47-0F03FB30R WoMen's watch Lima, Montana while he waits for the Fed Ex man to bring him a new drivetrain. Jay and Tracey T-Race Petervary report that the tandem sinks a lot deeper in mud than does a single. But thats another beauty of this eventthe weather could break, the sun could come out, and the middle of the field could be very fast atop a section that beat the GU out of the leaders. Or the opposite can happenI recall Jay Petervary running ahead of weather in the 2007 GDR. Mac McCoy e-mailed me yesterday to tell me about the pestilent rainfall along the Tetons and that the Ashton-Flagg Ranch road may even be impassable.